Auto draft payments free of charge. If you are interested in signing up for this option please fill out this form . If you already have this payment method, not action is needed. This is a very easy payment option. Once this is set up for your account, it will adjust automatically with any changes to your community assessments. This payment option can be used for all payment methods including annual, semi-annual, quarterly and monthly.
Other free payment options include mailing your check using the statement or coupon provided by your community (if applicable.)
Mail payment to:
Cambridge and Wyndfall Community Association
PO Box 97454
Raleigh, NC 27624
Banking Bill-Pay- You may set up your banking service to send payments. Please make sure you include your account number on the memo line and send payments to:
Cambridge and Wyndfall Community Association
PO Box 97454
Raleigh, NC 27624
There are 2 options for payments through the website. Both of these carry a small banking charge.
1) Credit Card payments have a 3.5% charge.
2) E-CHECK PAYMENTS- Change in fee- These are payments made by using the banking and routing number from your checking account through the association website portal. This will incur a $1.99 fee per transaction. If you sign up for the recurring e-check fee service prior to September 1, you will not incur a fee. If a homeowner established a recurring eCheck payment setup prior to 9/1/19, the payment will not be charged the eCheck fee unless the homeowner edits the existing setup. If you are already set up on recurring eCheck through the association website, you will not incur a fee until you make changes or edits to the payment. PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED INFORMATION ON THIS CHANGE.
Auto draft payments free of charge. If you are interested in signing up for this option please fill out this form . If you already have this payment method, not action is needed. This is a very easy payment option. Once this is set up for your account, it will adjust automatically with any changes to your community assessments. This payment option can be used for all payment methods including annual, semi-annual, quarterly and monthly.
Other free payment options include mailing your check using the statement or coupon provided by your community (if applicable.)
Mail payment to:
Cambridge and Wyndfall Community Association
PO Box 97454
Raleigh, NC 27624
Banking Bill-Pay- You may set up your banking service to send payments. Please make sure you include your account number on the memo line and send payments to:
Cambridge and Wyndfall Community Association
PO Box 97454
Raleigh, NC 27624
There are 2 options for payments through the website. Both of these carry a small banking charge.
1) Credit Card payments have a 3.5% charge.
2) E-CHECK PAYMENTS- Change in fee- These are payments made by using the banking and routing number from your checking account through the association website portal. This will incur a $1.99 fee per transaction. If you sign up for the recurring e-check fee service prior to September 1, you will not incur a fee. If a homeowner established a recurring eCheck payment setup prior to 9/1/19, the payment will not be charged the eCheck fee unless the homeowner edits the existing setup. If you are already set up on recurring eCheck through the association website, you will not incur a fee until you make changes or edits to the payment. PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED INFORMATION ON THIS CHANGE.